Kubla Cubed User Manual

Display Units

Kubla Cubed can display either metric or imperial (English) units. These will initially be set to a default value depending on the region settings of the computer. The inital settings can easily be changed by clicking Measure in the menu bar and then Display Units.

Units For each measurement type (areas, volumes, positions) you can select the desired unit of measure. It is recommended that you do not mix imperial and metric units together. For instance if areas and volumes are set to yards, then positions should be set to feet.

Precision For each measurement type you can also change the precision displayed in the program. It should be noted that this has no effect on the calculation engine precision just the display. The default is two decimal places which is sufficient for most earthworks projects.

Position Suffixes When displaying a position in the program you can customise the suffix that appears after the co-ordinates X, Y and Z. For instance you can choose for X,Y to display simply m rather than mE and mN.

Notes on Sharing Files : All Kubla files are saved with the same units internally. The display settings that can be changed in Kubla Cubed only affect the way the units are displayed to the user. They do not change how the units are saved internally. This means if you share a file with another user, the file will display correctly in whatever units they have selected as their preference. This can cause complications if a site plan is marked in different units to what the user has selected, however if this happens it is simple to synchronise the display units to match those marked on the site plan using the above options.