Kubla Cubed User Manual

Setting the Position and Cropping

The site plan is positioned into its real-world location by scaling, moving, and rotating the image as required. Alternatively, if you have two known co-ordinates on the image you can define these and the software will scale, rotate and move the image to match these two co-ordinates.

The following controls are used to define the image's position:

Once you have selected one of these options, you will receive further instructions depending on the option you selected. These are described below:

Once you completed the instructions on the prompts, the prompt will disappear and the image will be adjusted as you have specified.

You can also crop the site plan to remove any unnecessary borders and titles. This is done by clicking on the Crop button. You will be prompted to draw the crop rectangle on the screen. You can clear this crop by clicking on Clear Crop and you can always adjust it by clicking again on the Crop button.