Kubla Cubed User Manual

Setting the Transparency

Since the site plan will be displayed on top of the existing terrain and earthworks, it is necessary to give it transparency so that it's possible to see through the plan to the layers below. In many cases the default transparency settings will be suitable. However, when the transparency needs to be adjusted this can be achieved using the controls shown below.

These controls work together as follows:

Video Guides

When a new site plan is added to a project the white colour is removed. This means site plan documents with a white background will have the background removed leaving just the line work for take-off or reference. You can remove the default colour to restore a white background or set different colours to remove. Watch the Video Tutorial.

Sometimes when a site plan has different coloured areas you need to set multiple mask colours, one for each colour you wish to remove. There is a tolerance slider to control how strict the colour matching is.

Site Plan Mask Colours