Kubla Cubed User Manual

Align to Two Points

This is the easiest option if you have two co-ordinates defined in the image. It allows you to specify the two points on the image and then type their co-ordinates in the real world. The software will then scale, move and rotate as required to match these two points.

Align to Two Points Prompts

  1. Select the first point to align

    Define the position of the first reference point by clicking once in the preview.

  2. Type or click on screen to set the new position of the first point

    Type the location (X and Y) that you want the first point to be moved to. Alternatively you can click on the screen to set the new position to another screen location.

  3. Select the second point to align

    Define the position of the second reference point by clicking once in the preview.

  4. Type or click on screen to set the new position of the second point

    Type the location (X and Y) that you want the second point to be moved to. Alternatively you can click on the screen to set the new position to another screen location.

Once you have completed the instructions on the prompts, the prompt will disappear and the image will be adjusted as you have specified.