Kubla Cubed User Manual
The process, once you have clicked on the + button to add a new feature manually, depends on the type of feature you have selected. In all cases, you draw the elements on the designer panel on the right of the screen.
When you choose to add an Outline, the following prompt will appear, providing two options to create outlines.
You can define a Tag for the Outline if you wish. Click 'Next' to draw another Outline, or 'Finish' to stop drawing Outlines.
Draw each point of the Contour Line by left-clicking on the designer panel. Finish drawing the contour by right clicking or by pressing the Enter key. The following prompt will appear:
You should type the level for the Contour Line into this prompt. You can also define a Tag if you wish. Lastly, if the Contour Line is a closed loop you can click the Closed checkbox. Click Next to draw another Contour Line or Finish to stop drawing Contour Lines. Note that the '...' before the 'Level' input box can be used to adjust the levels you type. E.g. if all of your levels start from an elevation of 1000 you can click on '...' and input '1000+'. You can then type, for example '26' into levels box and this will be converted into '1026'. This can save time in some take-off scenarios.
When you choose to add a break line, you will be prompted to click on the designer panel to define the first point's position. Once you have done this you will see the following prompt.
You can define a level (Z) for the Break Line point and can also type precise X and Y values if you wish. If you prefer, you can skip typing the level, and the software will interpolate it. This is useful if you have a detailed break shape where the levels are only defined at a few locations.
You can also define a Tag for the new Break Line if you wish. If the Break Line is a closed loop you can click the Closed checkbox. Click 'Next' to draw another Break Line or 'Finish' to stop drawing Break Lines.
Draw the Point Level by left-clicking on the designer panel. The following prompt will appear:
You should type the level for the Point Level into this prompt. You can also type X and Y values for precise positioning. If you wish, you can type a Tag for the Point Level. Click 'Next' to draw another Point Level or 'Finish' to stop drawing Point Levels. Note the comment on 'Contour Lines' above regarding the '...' in front of the level input box.