Kubla Cubed User Manual

Join Tool

The Join Tool can connect two or more contour break-type lines together and supports the joining multiple elevation features in one operation. This functionality is useful for fixing contour line gaps, such as text labels imported from a CAD file. When working with contour lines, and more than one elevation is included within the selection, the tool defaults to choosing the highest elevation, alternatively this value can be edited as needed.

How to use the Join Tool

Once your lines have been added (whether through imported data from a file or drawn manually), the process involves selecting the lines that need to be connected, previewing the planned join, and then confirming the operation.

  1. Select the Join tool from the Tools menu.

  2. Choose the lines you wish to be joined.

    1. Click on the first line you wish to join.
    2. Hold down the Ctrl key and select the second (and seubsequent) lines which you want to merge into one line.
  3. Press the 'Continue' button when ready to proceed.

  4. Verify that the preview is indeed what you want (the lines will be joined and highlighted in green)

  5. Review and adjust the level (contour type lines only) and edit as needed.

  6. Press the 'Finish' button

Join tool in preview; inset the join tool selected as found in the tools menu.

Why won't my lines join?

If only one line is selected, or if one or more of the lines are closed, the join operation will fail, and the validator will display an error message identifying the issue. This is recoverable once the necessary selection changes have been made; there is no need to restart the process. If the operation needs to be canceled, clicking on the 'X' in the top right of the black strip along the bottom will cancel the Join operation.

See the Join tool in action in our quick tip video Join Two Lines.