What a year 2021 has been for technological advancements, so far; COVID19 vaccines developed, tourists going into space, and now Kubla Cubed Professional 2021 released!!

Watch the launch webinar video below, to see the great new tools in action.  Plus, find a summary of the updates below.

1. Improved Usability

Separate sections for Absolute and Relative Elevation Tools

Relative elevations are dependent. For example: the level of the trench is input as 0.5m depth

Absolute elevations are independent. For example: the level of the platform is set as 280m as the finished level of that element

Renaming of Strip and Spread

The Strip element has been renamed to Reduce, as it makes more sense considering it is used for a lot of scenarios, not only for topsoil stripping.

The subgrade adjustment Strip Method’ will now be called ‘Reduce Method.

The Spread element has been renamed to Raise. Used to increase the grade. Similar to Strip, it was felt ‘Raise’ is a better more generic name for the operation, which is not solely associated with topsoil re-spread.

Consistent Editing Menu for all Elements

All elements are now all edited in the same editor window as a Feature Surface. 

2. Two Site Plan Options

CAD File as a Site Plan

The option to add DWG/DXF files is now available to everyone.

The CAD file import option is in the Plans menu, in the same drop down as adding a PDF/Image.

PDF Vector Extraction

Forget time consuming tracing!  Elevation features i.e. contours, points and break-lines, can now be swiftly extracted from PDF files. 

3. Three Extra Editing Tools

Join Tool

Have two contour or break lines which has been imported with a gap (due to text)?  You can now join two or more contours and set the elevation using the new joining tool.

This is useful for fixing contour lines label gaps, imported from CAD

Split Tool

Split a contour or break-line into two or more new lines.

Contours: Set Multiple Elevations (SME) Tool

You’ve extracted contours from your PDF or CAD file but the lines don’t have any Z values (levels show as 0.00). Update multiple contours in one operation.

  • Highlight the contours
  • Input the first contour value
  • Add the interval between each line

= Kubla Cubed will generate the levels for all the contours selected. 

4. Three Linear Tools


Define a path or simple road defining the centreline with absolute elevations.


Define a trench with a centreline, using relative depth elevations.


Define a berm with a centreline, using relative height elevations.

5. Relative Elements “Depths From” Options

Reduce Elements

New ‘Depths From’ or ‘Heights From’ option added to relative elements. There are three options: from ‘Ground‘, ‘Previous Element‘ and ‘Specified Element‘.  

This allows relative elements like ‘Reduce‘ (previously named Strip) to have depths specified directly from ‘Ground, rather than the previous element in the calculation order.

Previous Element‘ (the behaviour in Kubla Cubed 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019) is there for backward compatibility reasons, and some custom scenarios that it may be useful for.

Specified Element‘ will be the new recommended method for doing the ‘Reduce Method‘ subgrade adjustment.  First, you will do your FFL levels in one Feature Surface, and then set the ‘Depths From‘ to be from that element. It will allow the strips/reduced areas to replace each other where they intersect and act and still act on the lower down element. 

A big improvement, I think, in both workflows.

"Auto" Button

The default will have ‘Auto’ turned on which will automatically reduce from ‘Ground for the Reduce tool, like the absolute elements, which is useful in a lot of scenarios. 

You can turn this off if you want to calculate from a different option.

6. Reports 

Breakdown of Elements by Regions

Exporting your volume results from Kubla Cubed as a spreadsheet has never been more detailed. 

We have enhanced the ‘Breakdown By Element’ section in the earthworks report and spreadsheet. Previously elements that intersected in the same phase were reported in a single cluster.

To get further granularity in the earthworks break-down it was required to use the ‘air gap’ method or use volume regions. Both these techniques were time consuming and problematic. We have upgraded the element breakdown so that when there are intersections, the lowest element in the calculation order reports the cut\fill.

Technically, it is the last element to have modified a triangle in a TIN that reports the cut\fill of that triangle.

What’s Next?

This is just the first edition of Kubla Cubed 2021!

We are continually working to develop the software and looking to improving it’s engine as well as adding new features, some of which we have already begun creating.

Here are a few tools in the pipeline:

Offset Line Tool
"Order by" Filtering Tool
Group Multiple Measurements e.g. Areas and Lengths


I'm a Subscription License Holder, how do I upgrade?

Simply, open Kubla Cubed 2019 from your desktop and you will see a pop up window asking you to Download Now!  Click the button and follow the on screen instructions. 

I'm a Perpetual License Holder, how do I upgrade?

As a Perpetual user, you should have received an email from us with a link to upgrade to Kubla Cubed 2021.

If you have not received an email, please contact support@kublasoftware.com  

I don't have a Kubla Cubed license, how do I buy the software?

Go to our Prices page.
Click “Buy” for the license you wish to purchase and follow the instructions.

I have created projects in an older version of Kubla Cubed, are they compatible in 2021?

Yes. Projects from a previous release of Kubla Cubed should open with no problems in 2021.

However, projects you’ve created in 2021 are not compatible in older releases of the software.

Please email support@kublasoftware.com with you project file, if you aren’t getting the expected results.