Kubla Cubed User Manual
To export a spreadsheet click on the File menu item, then Create Spreadsheet, and finally Input Data or Estimation, depending on the spreadsheet you wish to create. The spreadsheet can be saved in the MS Excel (.xlsx ) format.
Input Data Spreadsheet
A spreadsheet of the user input data, including all properties, boundary areas and perimeters. The spreadsheet can be useful for validating input data and using boundary perimeter and area values in a bill of quantities (BOQ) or for doing further calculations on the data.
The spreadsheet will contain the input data that has been entered by the user into the program. It contains no information regarding earthworks calculations (cut & fill); that information is contained in the earthworks estimation spreadsheet. The count, area and length measurement elements will only appear in this report as they have no relevance to the earthworks estimate.
Notes on Boundary 2D Area and 2D Perimeter : The boundary areas and boundary perimeters in the input data spreadsheet relate to the element boundary lines that have been input by the user. They will often differ considerably from the areas in the earthworks estimation report which are calculated from the earthworks area of disturbance.
Volume region elements are not allowed to overlap each other. Where one volume region is inside another, the area of the internal volume region will be removed from the external one. The area and perimeters presented for volume regions in the spreadsheet are the areas after they have undergone this processing.
Estimation Spreadsheet
A spreadsheet of the earthworks estimations, including levels, volumes and depths can be exported to a .xlsx file. The spreadsheet can be useful for building into an earthworks bill of quantities (BOQ) report or for doing further calculations on the data.
This spreadsheet contains the earthworks estimation output calculated by the program. This includes cut\fill volumes, depths and areas.
The earthworks estimate is completed for all earthworks in each phase, in addition it can contain the following breakdowns.
Breakdown by Element: The element breakdown will show you the cut & fill contribution of each element in a phase, based on the disturbance areas of each element. This can be very useful if different earthworks have been represented by different elements (e.g. roads, building pads, gardens etc...). If elements intersect then consider how to attribute the cut & fill in the intersecting areas. The approach used in Kubla Cubed is to report the cut & fill to the element that appears lowest in the calculation order. This correlates to the way that element elevations override each other in most scenarios, the lower element takes priority.
It is important to note that the element breakdown does not calculate cut & fill between elements. In Kubla Cubed within each phase, all earthworks elements are combined into a single surface and cut & fill is calculated between the resulting proposed surface and the ground surface. However, multiple phases can be used if you want to calculate cut and fill between multiple surfaces. The earthworks report is helpful for viewing the breakdown by element regions, as it has a diagram above each element breakdown table.
Notes on Earthworks Estimation 2D and 3D Areas : 2D and 3D areas in the earthwork estimation spreadsheet relate to the earthworks footprint (sometimes referred to as the area of disturbance). For the area and perimeter of the element boundaries refer to the input data spreadsheet. The 2D areas reported are the same as if measured from a paper plan. The 3D areas take into account the surface area of the topography and therefore will always be the same or larger than the 2D areas.
Cross Sections Spreadsheet
A separate tab/sheet will appear for each phase. Each sheet shows sections top to bottom.
There are five column headings: Section Name; Segment Number (meaningful for long sections); Distance (each value is relative to the start position); Ground Level and Proposed Level.
Blank rows separate proposed elevations from existing, which are in row separated groups to make chart creation easier. When creating a graph in your favourite spreadsheet editor, select data and headings from the last three columns. Insert a chart and ensure it is a Scatter graph. We suggest 'XY Scatter' & 'Lines Only' in LibreOffice Calc; 'Scatter' & 'Scatter with Straight Lines' in MS Office Excel.
Exports - Report & Spreadsheets video describes the main sections of a typical spreadsheet. |