When it comes to presenting the results of a project to a client, colleague or other
stake-holder, Kubla Cubed has a number of options available:
Spreadsheets: An earthworks estimation spreadsheet can be produced that breaks down
the earthworks in each phase. There are subsequent breakdowns by region, and by element.
Another spreadsheet containing input data can also be produced, which is useful for
validating inputs and viewing measurement information. For more information see Creating Spreadsheets.
Reports: An earthworks estimation report can also be produced with the same
breakdown as the spreadsheet. The report contains diagrams and formatting that makes it
easier to understand so is often more appropriate to give to clients than the spreadsheet. A
report containing input data can also be produced for validating inputs and viewing
measurement information. For more information see Creating Reports.
Reporting in the Software: For all phases except the first, a statistics panel will
display in the top left with cut and fill data. The level of detail can be controlled from
the 'Project Settings', located in the 'Settings' menu. The statistics panel will not show
when an element is being edited.
Within the program the options for presenting the above data are contained within the File menu. Here you will find the Create Spreadsheet and Create Report sub menus.