Kubla Cubed 2021 | 6.2 Update

To upgrade to the latest version of Kubla Cubed 2021 6.2, open your installed application and click Download Now. You will then install the latest fixes, updates and features, including the linear Offset Tool. If you have a Perpetual License (2019 or earlier) and...

Change The Cursor Label

Kubla Cubed can display information (in real time) on the mouse 🖱️ cursor. The label options can be customised to show only the information you require. Here is a quick video to show you how to change the cursor label:    SETTINGS >...

Add Features From A PDF / CAD File

Have you imported a PDF or CAD file as your site plan? Are now ready to begin generating your existing and proposed surface using contour lines?  Contour lines, points and breaks can all be used to define the terrain using a fixed elevation, in a Feature Surface....

Split A Line

Have you imported a site plan and extracted contour lines and/or break-lines from either a CAD file or vector PDF file?   Lines import as they are in the original CAD or PDF site plan. This is usually fine and they will be whole lines, but occasionally you...

Join Two (or more) Lines

Have you imported a site plan and extracted contour lines and/or break-lines from either a CAD file or vector PDF file? Lines import as they are found in the original CAD or PDF site plan. This is usually fine and they will be complete lines, but occasionally lines...